10 Biggest Pleco Species You Should Keep

Jaime Douglas
Jaime Douglas

Writer at The Aquarium Keeper

Plecos are a staple species in the fishkeeping hobby. They are often housed in community aquariums and are mainly considered bottom-dwellers. Often people keep smaller pleco species in their tank, but there are less popular larger pleco types, that are also evenly amazing. In this article, I will break down 10 biggest pleco species you should definitely consider keeping, if you have a larger tank.

Table of Contents

General Guidelines For Keeping Plecos Successfully

Just before getting into the plecos I researched, I want to simply introduce some general guidelines for keeping plecos in an aquarium. You might already know some pleco requirements if you already had them, but for some readers, this might be new information. Here are some things you should know before keeping plecos:

  • Plecos, known for their algae-eating habits, are generally peaceful but can be territorial, especially towards other bottom dwellers. Providing ample space for each Pleco is crucial.
  • Water quality is paramount. Plecos are sensitive to poor conditions, so maintaining clean, stable water with regular checks and changes is vital for their health.
  • These fish are nocturnal and need hiding places to rest during the day. Incorporating caves, driftwood, and other shelters in your aquarium will mimic their natural habitat and keep them comfortable.
  • Diet variety is essential. While they love algae, Plecos also need a balanced diet including vegetables and specialized Pleco food to ensure proper nutrition.
  • Be cautious when selecting tank mates. While Plecos are peaceful, their size and territorial nature mean they should be paired with compatible fish.
  • Plecos love to burrow in sand, or at least dig in it. Be sure to try and choose a softer aquarium substrate like sand or soil instead of gravel, because it can scratch plecos.

Remember, each Pleco species has its unique needs and temperament. Understanding these nuances will greatly enhance your success in creating a harmonious and healthy aquarium environment for these fascinating creatures.

Remember, each Pleco species has its unique needs and temperament. Understanding these nuances will greatly enhance your success in creating a harmonious and healthy aquarium environment for these fascinating creatures.

Biggest Plecos

To begin this list, I want to mention that I rank these pleco species from largest to least largest. Each species has its own requirements, so be sure to follow them if you are actually interested in keeping them.

collage image of biggest plecos

Another thing is that the photos used in this article might slightly differ from the real appearance of these fish since it hugely depends on the lightning of the picture, and the environment the fish is in.

Adonis Pleco

The Adonis Pleco is a striking freshwater giant, revered for its remarkable spotted pattern that diminishes with maturity. As juveniles, they are a spectacle of white spots against a dark backdrop, while adults tend to a more uniform dark shade. A behemoth in the aquarium, they command attention with their size and presence.

picture of adonis pleco staying still on aquarium driftwood

This species is not just about looks, it’s an industrious scavenger. The Adonis Pleco brings a functional aesthetic to any large aquarium, serving as a living cleanup crew while exuding a prehistoric charm. They are indeed the gentle giants of the aquatic world, requiring ample space to roam.

Aspect Information
Scientific Name Acanthicus adonis
Origin South America
Rarity Rare
Price $100 - $300 USD
Care Level Advanced
Water Temperature 24°C - 30°C (75°F - 86°F)
pH 6.0 - 7.5
Minimum Tank Size 120 gallons
Diet Omnivore - Prefers live and frozen foods, supplemented with vegetables
Temperament Semi-aggressive, especially with smaller tank mates
Lifespan 10 - 15 years
Size Up to 40 inches (100 cm) in the wild, typically smaller in captivity

Adonis Plecos require a significant commitment in terms of space and tank management, but for the dedicated aquarist, they offer an unparalleled aquatic experience, bringing a slice of South American river life into the home.

Cactus Pleco

Cactus Plecos are among the most sought-after in the hobby for their distinctive spiny appearance and orange coloration. They bring a touch of the Amazon’s complexity to any large aquarium setup with their unique looks and behavior.

picture of a person holding cactus pleco in their hands

Enigmatic and somewhat elusive, the Cactus Pleco is an amazing fish that stands out when it comes to appearance. They are also known for their territorial nature and thus require an environment that can accommodate their need for space and individual territories.

Aspect Information
Scientific Name Pseudacanthicus sp.
Origin Amazon and Orinoco basins, South America
Rarity Uncommon
Price $50 - $300 USD, depending on size
Care Level Moderate to Advanced
Water Temperature 26°C - 30°C (79°F - 86°F)
pH 6.0 - 7.4
Minimum Tank Size 100 gallons
Diet Carnivore - Prefers meaty foods like shrimp and fish, supplemented with pellets
Temperament Aggressive, particularly towards other bottom dwellers
Lifespan 10 - 15 years
Size Up to 35.4 inches (90 cm) in the wild, smaller in captivity

The Cactus Pleco’s armored exterior and solitary nature make it a formidable yet fascinating addition to sizable home aquariums, offering a glimpse into the diverse aquatic life of South American rivers.

Titanic Pleco

The Titanic Pleco is a true survivor, named aptly for its robust size. Inhabiting the fast-moving waters of the Amazon, this sucker fish is a remarkable spectacle in any large aquarium, with its distinct morphology and ability to grow to monumental sizes.

picture of titanic pleco laying on aquarium substrate

Known for its wood-eating habits, the Titanic Pleco is not just about brawn, it plays a crucial role in the ecosystem by processing submerged tree trunks and branches, making it an integral part of a well-rounded aquatic community.

Aspect Information
Scientific Name Panaque schaeferi
Origin Upper Amazon Basin, South America
Rarity Rare
Price $200 - $400 USD
Care Level Advanced
Water Temperature 24°C - 29°C (75°F - 84°F)
pH 6.5 - 7.5
Minimum Tank Size 150 gallons
Diet Herbivore - Specializes in wood, also consumes fruits and vegetables
Temperament Peaceful but territorial
Lifespan 10 - 15 years
Size Over 29.5 inches (>75 cm) in the wild

With their ecological significance and impressive size, Titanic Plecos are a magnificent centerpiece, evoking the grandeur of their namesake and the mystery of the deep Amazonian waters.

Orinoco Sailfin Catfish

The Orinoco Sailfin Catfish is an impressive specimen with a dorsal fin that rivals the sail of a ship, hence its name. It’s a robust pleco that can adapt to a variety of tank conditions, making it a favored choice for spacious home aquariums.

picture of orinoco sailfin catfish swimming in aquarium

While they are peaceful in nature, the size of the Orinoco Sailfin means they need plenty of room to navigate and explore. Their majestic fins and armored bodies make them a living piece of art in any large aquarium setup.

Aspect Information
Scientific Name Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus
Origin Orinoco River Basin, South America
Rarity Common
Price $20 - $50 USD
Care Level Moderate
Water Temperature 22°C - 28°C (72°F - 82°F)
pH 6.5 - 7.5
Minimum Tank Size 100 gallons
Diet Omnivore - Algae, vegetables, and high-quality sinking pellets
Temperament Peaceful but can be territorial due to size
Lifespan 10 - 15 years
Size Up to 28 inches (71.1 cm)

Their peaceful demeanor and adaptability to tank life make the Orinoco Sailfin Catfish a popular choice for those ready to meet the demands of such a grand aquatic creature.

Common Pleco

A staple in the aquarium trade, the Common Pleco is a familiar sight for many enthusiasts. Its adaptability and impressive size make it a notable presence in any large tank.

picture of common pleco laying on aquarium substrate

Despite their reputation as algae eaters, Common Plecos require more than just the algae in a tank to thrive. They are not as efficient in algae control as some of their smaller relatives but still play a role in tank maintenance. Lots of people get common plecos when they are juveniles, and often get rid of them when they find out about their true requirements in terms of space.

Aspect Information
Scientific Name Hypostomus plecostomus
Origin South America
Rarity Common
Price $5 - $20 USD
Care Level Easy
Water Temperature 20°C - 26°C (68°F - 79°F)
pH 6.5 - 7.5
Minimum Tank Size 75 gallons
Diet Herbivore - Algae, blanched vegetables, algae wafers, leftover food
Temperament Peaceful
Lifespan 10 - 15 years
Size 12 - 24 inches (30 - 61 cm)

Common Plecos are a great choice for aquarists ready to provide the space needed for these aquatic cleaners to flourish, although when it comes to appearance, they are pretty basic compared to other majestic plecos on this list.

Megalancistrus Parananus

Megalancistrus parananus, often overlooked due to its more flamboyant relatives, is a robust and sizeable Pleco that can be a unique addition to larger aquarium setups.

picture of a person holding magalancistrus parananus in their hands

With its substantial size and armored body, the Megalancistrus parananus adds a touch of intrigue to the tank. It’s less about showy colors and more about the imposing silhouette it casts as it patrols the bottom of its aquatic domain. Since these species are not that popular and are less talked about than their relatives, the megalancistrus parananus doesn’t even have an easier name!

Aspect Information
Scientific Name Megalancistrus parananus
Origin South America
Rarity Uncommon
Price $40 - $80 USD
Care Level Moderate
Water Temperature 24°C - 28°C (75°F - 82°F)
pH 6.5 - 7.4
Minimum Tank Size 80 gallons
Diet Omnivore - Prefers a varied diet with both plant and animal matter
Temperament Semi-aggressive, especially towards smaller tank mates
Lifespan 8 - 12 years
Size Up to 23.1 inches (58.8 cm)

Despite their less common occurrence in the hobby, those who keep Megalancistrus parananus find them to be rewarding for their fascinating behavior and contribution to the tank’s ecosystem.

Amazon Sailfin Catfish

The Amazon Sailfin Catfish, with its leopard-like spots and expansive dorsal fin, is a statement piece in any large aquarium. This species is renowned not only for its size but also for its contribution to the tank’s cleanliness.

picture of amazon sailfin catfish laying on aquarium substrate

Despite being less renowned than its Sailfin cousin, Pterygoplichthys pardalis is a remarkable species that combines both form and function, working tirelessly to scour surfaces clean of algae.

Aspect Information
Scientific Name Pterygoplichthys pardalis
Origin Amazon Basin, South America
Rarity Common
Price $10 - $40 USD
Care Level Moderate
Water Temperature 22°C - 30°C (72°F - 86°F)
pH 6.0 - 7.5
Minimum Tank Size 100 gallons
Diet Omnivore - Requires a varied diet including algae, vegetables, and protein-based foods
Temperament Peaceful but can be territorial
Lifespan 10 - 15 years
Size Up to 22.7 inches (57.8 cm)

Aquarists value the Amazon Sailfin Catfish for their majestic appearance and their ability to keep algae in check, making them a practical and visually appealing choice for the larger freshwater aquarium.

Sailfin Pleco

The Sailfin Pleco is an aquarium favorite, known for its remarkable dorsal fin and its peaceful demeanor. It’s a sizable species that can become the centerpiece of a large home aquarium.

picture of sailfin pleco laying on aquarium substrate

Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps is not just visually striking, it’s also a hardworking member of the tank, helping to keep surfaces free from algae. They bring both beauty and utility to their freshwater habitat. The Sailfin Pleco slightly differs from a very similar Amazon Sailfin Pleco, mainly when it comes to appearance and the color patterns on the body.

Aspect Information
Scientific Name Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps
Origin South America
Rarity Common
Price $15 - $50 USD
Care Level Moderate
Water Temperature 22°C - 28°C (72°F - 82°F)
pH 6.5 - 7.5
Minimum Tank Size 125 gallons
Diet Omnivore - Enjoys a varied diet of algae, vegetables, and occasional protein
Temperament Peaceful but may become territorial with age
Lifespan 10 - 15 years
Size Up to 20 inches (50 cm)

It’s graceful appearance and algae-eating habits make it a dual-purpose species that’s both practical for tank maintenance and captivating to watch.

Royal Pleco

The Royal Pleco, with its regal name, lives up to expectations, boasting bold white or yellow lines against a dark body. This stunning fish is a natural work of art, adding a touch of majesty to any large aquarium.

picture of a royal pleco staying still on a piece of aquarium driftwood

While it’s not the largest in the Pleco family, the Royal Pleco still requires ample space due to its territorial nature. They are known for their wood-eating behavior, contributing to the breakdown of organic material in their habitats.

Aspect Information
Scientific Name Panaque nigrolineatus
Origin South America
Rarity Uncommon
Price $25 - $100 USD
Care Level Moderate
Water Temperature 24°C - 30°C (75°F - 86°F)
pH 6.5 - 7.5
Minimum Tank Size 120 gallons
Diet Omnivore - Primarily wood, supplemented with vegetables and occasional protein
Temperament Peaceful but territorial
Lifespan 10 - 15 years
Size Up to 16 inches (40 cm)

The Royal Pleco’s distinctive appearance and the role it plays in the ecosystem make it a prized species for the dedicated hobbyist.

Bristlenose Pleco

The Bristlenose Pleco, with its distinct bristles adorning the males, is a small yet mighty member of the Pleco family. Their diligent algae-cleaning makes them a welcome addition to many freshwater aquariums.

bristlenose pleco on aquarium rock

Esteemed for their algae-eating capabilities, Bristlenose Plecos are more than just functional, their quirky appearance and gentle nature endear them to hobbyists. One feature that makes them stand out is their “mustache” at the front of the face.

Aspect Information
Scientific Name Ancistrus spp.
Origin South America
Rarity Common
Price $2 - $5 USD
Care Level Easy
Water Temperature 21°C - 26°C (70°F - 79°F)
pH 6.5 - 7.5
Minimum Tank Size 20 gallons
Diet Herbivore - Algae, blanched vegetables, algae wafers, leftover food
Temperament Peaceful
Lifespan 5 - 7 years
Size 4 - 6 inches (10 - 15 cm)

With their peaceful nature and minimal care requirements, Bristlenose Plecos are an excellent choice for both novice and experienced aquarists alike.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much do Plecos Cost?

The cost of a pleco depends on its size, appearance, and species. Some rare plecos can cost hundreds of dollars, while the most basic species like bristlenose or common plecos can be as cheap as $5.

What is The Largest Pleco Species?

The Adonis Pleco is probably considered one of the largest species of plecos. It can reach up to 40 inches in length and is truly a monster. Not many people can keep this fish because it requires that much space.

Writer's Thoughts

Personally, I love plecos, especially the big ones. They are truly the giants of the fishkeeping world and should be taken care of properly if you decide to get one. Hopefully, this list of giant plecos helped you make up your mind on which pleco you want to keep.

Jaime Douglas
Jaime Douglas

Thank you for reading my blog post. This website was created with the sole intention of providing quality information regarding fishkeeping. I have been in the fishkeeping hobby for 8 years, and through many trials and errors as well as online research I gathered a lot of information, which I want to give back to the community.