Guest Post Opportunity

The Aquarium Keeper team is always looking for new ways to expand their knowledge, and to give our readers as much content as we can. If you have a good topic or an idea that you want to share with fellow fishkeepers, we certainly accept guest posts.

Our community is growing fast every month, and if you feel, that you want to contribute to our cause to spread as much good information about fishkeeping, then you have come to the right place. We will gladly look through your content idea, and give honest feedback.

What Kind of Articles Do We Accept?

Our main focus is to create amazing content about fishkeeping, and anything that is related to aquariums. Here are the following article topics we are looking for:

  • Anything about aquarium fish
  • Anything about aquarium plants
  • Anything about aquarium setups
  • Anything about fish illnesses and diseases
  • Anything about cool tricks and tips you could employ in the aquarium hobby

Guidelines For a Guest Post

Your created guest post should follow these guidelines to get featured on our website:

  • Content should be original. We really don’t need the same content, that can be easily found through a single google search. Don’t send spin-off articles, because we check for plagiarism.
  • Your article should be at least 1000 words. We set a little higher standard in terms of quality and detail so that our readers would get the most value.
  • Your content should include sources for information that have been used. Most of us use external sources, and it is the right thing to credit those sources.
  • If you use images, make sure they are copyright-free. We do check if the images are good to be used, and we will only accept content, that is safe to be posted.

What Can We Offer In Return?

We accept guest posts completely free of charge. In return for writing us an amazing piece of content, we allow you to insert 1 backlink, that leads back to your website. It is a win-win scenario, we get content, and you get a backlink from us!

If you like the idea to work with us, fill out this contact form with your written article, or email us at