8 Amazing Mystery Snail Colors (With Pictures!)

Jaime Douglas
Jaime Douglas

Writer at The Aquarium Keeper

Mystery or apple snails are one of the best creatures to start with when getting an aquarium. They are loved by hardcore fishkeeping hobbyists and by newcomers. It is simply very entertaining to watch mystery snails exploring the tank. They tend to fall down, flip over, and it is an entertaining sight!

If you ever thought of getting some mystery snails, or just found out about them, you are in luck, because there are multiple colors to choose from. In this article, I will be covering 8 amazing mystery snail colors, that you should definitely know!

Table of Contents

Mystery Snail Species Overview

Before getting into the amazing mystery snail colors, it is important to understand the needs and tank requirements of these species. Mystery snails are actually beginner-friendly aquarium pet, that does not need much. Certain fish species need very specific conditions or water parameters, but when it comes to mystery snails, these creatures are versatile. Here is more information about these species:

  • Scientific name: Pomacea Bridgesii
  • Water Temperature: 20–29 °C (68–84 °F)
  • pH: 7.0–8.0
  • Water Hardness: 150–300 ppm 
  • Minimum Tank Size: 5 gallons per snail
  • Diet: Omnivorous (can consume dying plant material, deceased tank mates, also eat fish flakes, pellets, algae)
  • Tank Setup: Aquarium should have a filter, heater, and light installed. The substrate can also be preferably sand since it is easier for mystery snails to move on
  • Temperament: Very peaceful
  • Tank Mates: Peaceful nano fish, other snails, or shrimp
  • Decorations: Mystery snails do not really care about their surroundings, but rocks, driftwood, and aquarium plants would create better tank conditions
  • Lifespan: 1–2 years
  • Breeding: It is very simple to breed mystery snails. When mystery snails are ready to breed, males will climb on females to do the deed. After that, female mystery snails will lay their eggs above the surface of the water. These species can mate up to 4 times per year. Females can also lay infertile mystery snail eggs if there are no males around
  • Size: up to 2.5 inches (5 cm)
  • Care Level: Easy

Even though mystery snails can live in a very basic tank setup, and can tolerate a wider range of water temperatures, it is still important to understand, that these species don’t have a strong immune system. Very sudden changes in water parameters, or high stress can seriously damage mystery snail well-being. Be sure to follow the guidelines provided above, and do even more research about mystery snails, if you are planning on getting them.

Mystery Snail Colors

Mystery snails can come in different colors, the most common ones are yellow, ivory, chestnut, blue, jade, and black. There are also a few rarer colors, like magenta and purple, which are really harder to come by.

It is also crucial to understand, that some colors of mystery snails will not look the exact same compared to the pictures in this article, since they can vary in appearance, and the ones you encounter in real life can be slightly different.

collage of differently colored mystery snails in aquariums

When it comes to mystery snail colors, these species can be different from one another in a couple of ways: shell and body color. Some variants on this list can have the same body color, but different shell coloration, while some types will differ both in shell and coloration of the body.

Yellow Mystery Snail

Firstly, the most common snail out of all the mystery snail colors is the yellow mystery snail. Some people might also call this variant “golden mystery snail”. This is the available type of mystery snail in the fishkeeping hobby, and can literally be found in any aquatic store.

close up of yellow mystery snail in aquarium

Yellow mystery snails have a bright yellow shell and white/yellowish body color. One cool thing about this type of snail is that it has orange/red dots all around the body. This little detail makes the even most common mystery snail type look beautiful. Here is more information about yellow mystery snails:

  • Origin: South America
  • Rarity: Very common
  • Price: 1$–5$ per snail

Yellow mystery snails look amazing in a heavily planted aquarium. Whether the tank has more basic green plants or the more picky red aquarium plants, yellow mystery snails will certainly stand out in any tank setup.

Ivory Mystery Snail

Another relatively common mystery snail type is the ivory mystery snail. These species are also widely available across multiple pet stores or online retailers.

close up of ivory mystery snail in aquarium

Ivory mystery snails are plainly basic-looking types of mystery snail species. They have white shells, and their body is usually white/pinkish. Similar to yellow mystery snails, the ivory type also has orange/red dots around the body, which makes it more unique. Here is more information about ivory mystery snails:

  • Origin: South America
  • Rarity: Common
  • Price: 2$–5$ per snail

Ivory mystery snails would also look amazing in any heavily planted aquarium. These species certainly would stand out more in darker aquarium setups, even blackwater aquariums.

Chestnut Mystery Snail

Moving on, the chestnut mystery snail is a unique type of species, since every single snail can have a different pattern on their shell. Chestnut mystery snails are rare than yellow or ivory mystery snails but still can be bought in most pet fish stores.

close up of brown mystery snail in aquarium

When it comes to coloration, chestnut mystery snails have a brown shell, that can usually have black, red, or even yellow stripes across the shell. The body of a chestnut mystery snail is white/pinkish, with yellow or orange dots all around it.

  • Origin: South America
  • Rarity: Common
  • Price: 2$–5$ per snail

Chestnut mystery snails resemble wild-type mystery snails the most. This coloration of the species can easily be found in South America since it is the best coloration to have for a mystery snail in the wild. The brown coloration is not easily spotted by other fish, which makes it easier for chestnut mystery snails to be less visible in the wild.

You might also like to read: Mystery Snail Breeding Step-by-Step Guide

Blue Mystery Snail

Moving on, one of the rarer versions of the mystery snail on this list is the blue mystery snail. These species are not that widely accessible, and can mainly be obtained by certain online retailers or pet shops.

close up of blue mystery snail in aquarium

Blue mystery snails are very gorgeous creatures. They have a light blue shell, that can sometimes even look grayish. Blue mystery snails also have a dark blue/black body, which also has a bunch of orange dots all over it. Here is more information about the blue mystery snail:

  • Origin: South America
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 3$–10$ per snail

This type of mystery snail is considered to be rarer than the more common ones, and the reason for that is blue mystery snail has a different shell and a different body coloration. The previously mentioned mystery snails mostly differ only in shell coloration, whereas blue mystery snails also have different body colors. Blue mystery snails would look amazing in an aquarium with a darker substrate since the blue shell and darker body color would be even more visible.

Jade Mystery Snail

To continue this list, the jade mystery snail is also another very rare type of snail, that can only be obtained by certain pet shops or retailers. Some fish keepers also call this variant “green mystery snail”.

close up of jade mystery snail in aquarium

Green mystery snails also have a different body and shell color, compared to the most common variants of mystery snails. The shell is usually light green, and can also have some yellow markings on it. The body coloration of the jade mystery snail is fairly unique: they usually have reddish eyes, and their dark gray body is covered with orange dots. Here is more information about jade mystery snails:

  • Origin: South America
  • Rarity: Very rare
  • Price: 5$–15$ per snail
This type of mystery snail would also look the best in darker aquarium setups. If you are planning on getting a jade mystery snail for a heavily planted aquarium, there is a good chance that you will not see your snail that often, because the shell will act as a camouflage, and your snail will simply blend in.

Black Mystery Snail

Moving on, another rare but fairly accessible snail is the black mystery snail. This variant resembles the wild-type of mystery snail the most. In the wild, mystery snails tend to be darker, because it makes them less visible to predators.

close up of black mystery snail in aquarium

Black mystery snail shells come in a few different colors: they can be black with brown coloration on the shell, or completely brown only with some parts being black. The body of a black mystery snail is usually dark grey or black, and sometimes colored with small orange dots all around it. Here is more information about black mystery snails:

  • Origin: South America
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 3$–10$ per snail

This variant of mystery snail would probably look best in an aquarium with a lighter substrate, simply because the color difference would create a contrast. It can be hard to see a black mystery snail in blackwater or low-light tanks.

Magenta Mystery Snail

The magenta mystery snail is becoming very popular in the fishkeeping hobby. It is a rare variant compared to other mystery snail colors, but there are a few online retailers that do sell magenta mystery snails.

close up of magenta mystery snail in aquarium

The higher demand for magenta mystery snails mainly exists due to the appearance of the snail. Magenta mystery snail shells can be very colorful and can consist of pink, red, yellow, brown, and even purple coloration. The shell of this type of mystery snail is by far one of the best to look at. Magenta mystery snails also have a light yellow body color, and usually some orange dots on that body. Here is more information about magenta mystery snails:

  • Origin: South America
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 3$–10$ per snail

Unlike black mystery snails, the magenta variant would look amazing in any aquarium setup. Magenta mystery snails are more expensive than other mystery snails, but as more and more people own this variant, they can become more available and cheaper in the future.

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Purple Mystery Snail

Moving on, probably the rarest out of all the mystery snail colors is the purple mystery snail. The less visually appealing purple mystery snails can often be mistaken as magenta mystery snails. There are not a lot of true purple mystery snails available for purchase right now.

close up of purple mystery snail in aquarium

Most purple mystery snails have a dark purple colored shell with some black or brown markings. The body of the snail is dark grey or black and can have orange dots all over it. Here is more information about purple mystery snails:

  • Origin: South America
  • Rarity: Very rare
  • Price: 5$–15$ per snail

The main difference between magenta and purple snails is their body color. Magenta snails have light yellow bodies, while purple snails are dark grey or black. Be sure not to accidentally buy a magenta mystery snail, while looking for a purple variant.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Mystery Snails Need Light?

Mystery snails definitely need some light in their tank. Lightning can increase the coloration of mystery snails since these species will try to adapt to their surroundings. Although a very strong light can make algae grow on the shell of a mystery snail.

How Many Mystery Snails Per Gallon?

Even though snails are known for not producing too much waste, it is recommended to only keep 1 mystery snail per 5 gallons. This is because mystery snails are not tiny snail species, and a very small aquarium can be harmful, and can even lead to a dead snail.

Writer's Thoughts

I love mystery snails, and it really brings me joy, when I see so many possible choices when it comes to color. All mystery snail types are eye-appealing, and the amazing thing is that these creatures are easy to keep. Every beginner should definitely start with a few mystery snails in their tank.

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Jaime Douglas
Jaime Douglas

Thank you for reading my blog post. This website was created with the sole intention of providing quality information regarding fishkeeping. I have been in the fishkeeping hobby for 8 years, and through many trials and errors as well as online research I gathered a lot of information, which I want to give back to the community.