200 Unique Purple Fish Names

Jaime Douglas
Jaime Douglas

Writer at The Aquarium Keeper

There are a lot of interesting purple fishes in the fishkeeping hobby, both in saltwater and freshwater. Naming your fish could be challenging since you have to take into account their appearance, size, and personality. In this article, I will provide you with 200 different and unique purple fish names, so it would be easier for you to choose the name for your purple fish pet.

Table of Contents

How to Choose The Best Name For Purple Fish?

Naming a new fish can sometimes be challenging since you still don’t know your new pet well. Similar to all other live beings we name, you want the name to be memorable, and unique because you are going to keep that particular fish for years. In order to name your purple fish more easily, here are some easy steps you can take to simplify the process:

  1. Get to know your pet fish. It is important to observe the physical appearance of your pet, as well as character because these can be the leading factors when choosing a name.
  2. Look for resemblance. It can be easier to name a pet if it resembles something. For example, a purple chubby fish could resemble a plum or grapes, and that would be a perfect name for a fish with that appearance.
  3. Ask for help. Be sure to talk to one of your friends or family members about the name of your purple fish. They might have interesting ideas or suggestions and could give some honest feedback if the name suits the fish or not.
  4. Check my created list. I gathered a large amount of names suited for a purple fish, and I bet that some of them could be useful, or at least give naming ideas.
  5. Name your fish. When you find the most suitable name for your beloved pet, it is time to test it out, whether the name sticks or not. You can always rename your fish if you don’t feel like the given name is good enough since fish don’t really get attached to their names like dogs or cats.
purple crowntail betta fish swimming in aquarium

20 Best Purple Fish Names

To begin this list, I picked out some of the most popular and catchy names, that you can give to your purple fish. You might wonder, how did I choose these particular names? Well, it might be a personal preference, but I picked names that sound good, and that could suit a purple fish with distinctive physical features or character.

Here are the best purple fish names that you should give to your pet fish:

  1. Lavender: Lavender, it’s not just a name, it’s a vibe. Imagine your fish floating lazily, with a demeanor as calming as the scent of lavender fields. It’s perfect for a fish that enjoys the slow lane and adds a touch of tranquility to your tank. Plus, let’s be honest, it’s a name that sounds as pretty as it looks.

  2. Amethyst: This name is like adorning your fish with a crown jewel. Amethyst, with its rich purple hues, brings to mind images of royal treasures and mystical charms. It’s perfect for a fish with a sparkling personality and a color that commands attention. It’s not just a name; it’s a statement.

  3. Grapevine: Grapevine is all about fun and personality. It’s the name for a fish that seems to know the latest tank gossip before anyone else. It has a playful ring to it, perfect for a fish with a curious nature and a knack for being at the center of all the action.

  4. Orchid: Orchid is for that one fish in your tank that’s just a little bit extra. It’s exotic, vibrant, and a tad mysterious. For the fish that doesn’t just swim but sashays through the water, Orchid is a name that says, “I’m not like other fish; I’m a spectacle.”

  5. Violet: Violet is sweet, simple, and has a touch of vintage charm. It’s the kind of name that suits a fish with a humble but captivating presence. Violet is unassuming yet unforgettable, a classic name for a fish that embodies the elegance of simplicity.

  6. Twilight: Twilight is the name for the enigmatic fish in your tank, the one that has a knack for appearing and disappearing like a shadow. It’s a name that captures the beauty and mystery of the evening sky, perfect for a fish that brings a touch of the mystical to your aquatic world.

  7. Mystic: Mystic is a name that whispers secrets of the deep sea. It’s for the fish with an aura that’s hard to define but impossible to ignore. With a name like Mystic, your fish becomes the keeper of underwater mysteries, always leaving you wondering what it’s thinking.

  8. Indigo: Indigo is deep, soulful, and a little moody. It’s a name for a fish with a color so rich it looks like it was painted by the sea itself. Indigo is for the fish that doesn’t just swim in your tank; it brings depth and character to every corner it explores.

  9. Plum: Plum is cute, round, and impossible to ignore. It’s the perfect name for a fish that’s not just a dash of color but a full-on burst of personality. Plum is the embodiment of fun, a name that rolls off your tongue and brings a smile to your face.

  10. Magician: Magician is for the Houdini of your tank, the fish that knows all the best hiding spots and has a flair for the dramatic. It’s a name that captures the awe and wonder your fish inspires as it darts and weaves through the water, always full of surprises.

  11. Nebula: Nebula is like naming your fish after a cosmic phenomenon. It’s for the fish whose scales reflect the colors of a distant galaxy, a name that speaks of mysteries beyond our world. Nebula is for a fish that looks like it carries the universe in its fins.

  12. Royal: Royal is for the fish that rules your aquarium with a fin of iron and a heart of gold. It’s a name that demands respect and exudes authority. Royal is the name for a fish that’s not just a pet, it’s a monarch in its own right.

  13. Wizard: Wizard is for the ancient soul in your tank, the fish that seems wise beyond its years. It’s a name that hints at magic and mystery, for a fish whose movements are so fluid and graceful, they seem like spells being cast.

  14. Aster: Aster is a star, both literally and figuratively. It’s a name for the fish that’s always the center of attention, the one that lights up your tank like a constellation. Aster is about being bold, bright, and unapologetically beautiful.

  15. Galaxy: Galaxy is for a fish that’s a swirling cosmos of colors. It’s a name that speaks of vastness and wonder, perfect for a fish that seems to hold the mysteries of the deep space in its gaze. Galaxy is the name for a fish that’s as mesmerizing as the night sky.

  16. Velvet: Velvet, with its connotations of luxury and elegance, is ideal for a fish that glides through the water with effortless grace. It’s a name that suggests softness and richness, perfect for a fish with a smooth, almost velvety appearance.

  17. Mauve: Mauve is understated elegance personified. It’s for the fish that doesn’t need to be the loudest in the tank to be noticed. With a gentle and calm demeanor, Mauve is a name that speaks of quiet beauty and an unassuming charm.

  18. Sorcerer: Sorcerer is for the fish with an air of mystery and a touch of the mystical. It’s a name that suggests hidden depths and unseen powers, perfect for a fish that seems to bewitch you every time you look at it.

  19. Berry: Berry is as sweet and cheerful as the name suggests. It’s for the fish that adds a pop of joy and energy to your tank, the one that’s always zipping around, full of life and excitement. Berry is a name that’s as fun and vibrant as the fish it belongs to.

  20. Eclipse: Eclipse is for the fish that’s a rare and breathtaking event all by itself. It’s a name that captures the awe and wonder of an eclipse, perfect for a fish whose presence is as dramatic and stunning as the celestial phenomenon it’s named after.

close up image of purple queen anthias fish swimming in aquarium

Male Purple Fish Names

If you have an amazing male purple fish, that doesn’t have a name yet, here are some interesting name suggestions, that you should consider:

  1. Emperor: Emperor evokes a sense of regal dignity, fitting for a purple fish, as purple is often associated with royalty and nobility. This name is perfect for a fish with a commanding presence and a majestic purple hue.

  2. Baron: Like Emperor, Baron is a title of nobility, aligning well with the royal connotations of purple. It’s suitable for a purple fish that carries itself with elegance and a touch of aristocratic grace.

  3. Spartan: Spartan, while not directly related to the color purple, can be a fitting name for a robust and vigorous purple fish, embodying the strength and resilience of Spartan warriors, with a majestic purple color.

  4. Merlin: Merlin, reminiscent of the legendary wizard known for his wisdom and magic, suits a purple fish with a mysterious or mystical appearance as if it’s casting enchantments in your tank.

  5. Jester: This name is playful and vibrant, much like the lively spirit of a purple fish. Jester could be a fitting name for a fish that brings joy and color to your aquarium, akin to a court jester’s entertaining antics.

  6. Poseidon: The god of the sea, Poseidon, can be a grand name for a majestic purple fish, symbolizing its command over its watery realm, with a royal purple hue befitting a deity.

  7. Draco: Draco, meaning dragon, can be suitable for a purple fish with a dynamic and powerful character, evoking images of mythical dragons often depicted in shades of majestic purple.

  8. Marquis: Aligning with the royal theme, Marquis is an elegant name for a purple fish, reflecting its sophisticated and noble appearance, much like a person of high rank.

  9. Zephyr: Zephyr, meaning a gentle breeze, is ideal for a graceful purple fish that moves with a light, fluid motion, its purple scales shimmering like the colors of twilight.

  10. Ajax: A name of strength and heroism, Ajax can suit a bold and adventurous purple fish, embodying the heroic qualities of the name, with a majestic purple color adding to its commanding presence.

  11. Basil: Basil, with its earthy and aromatic associations, can be a charming name for a purple fish, especially if it has a more subdued or natural purple tone, reminiscent of some basil varieties.

  12. Caspian: Named after the Caspian Sea, this name suits a purple fish with a sense of depth and mystery, evoking the mysterious and uncharted depths of the sea, mirrored in its rich purple color.

  13. Duke: Duke, a name denoting nobility, fits a purple fish perfectly, as the color purple is often associated with royalty. It’s suitable for a fish with a dignified and imposing presence.

  14. Falcon: Falcon, suggesting speed and agility, can be an exciting name for a swift-moving purple fish, whose movements and vibrant color could be reminiscent of a falcon’s dynamic flight.

  15. Leonardo: Inspired by the artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci, this name could suit a creative and curious purple fish, reflecting the artist’s innovative spirit and the fish’s unique purple hue.

  16. Noble: Noble is a name that resonates with the traditional association of purple with dignity and majesty. It’s apt for a fish that carries itself with a sense of pride and grandeur.

  17. Orion: The hunter constellation, Orion, can be a fitting name for a bold and adventurous purple fish, symbolizing its exploratory nature, with a striking purple color that stands out like stars in the night sky.

  18. Prince: Prince is an ideal name for a purple fish, directly tying into the royal associations of the color purple. It’s perfect for a fish with a regal appearance and a charming demeanor.

  19. Jupiter: Named after one of the biggest planets in our solar system, Jupiter could be a striking name for a vibrant purple fish, symbolizing its radiance and the captivating allure of its color.

  20. Titan: Titan, signifying grandeur and strength, is suitable for a large and impressive purple fish. It’s perfect for a fish with a strong presence and a deep, majestic purple color.

Female Purple Fish Names

Moving on, you could also have a female purple fish, that doesn’t have a name yet. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Aurora: Aurora, reminiscent of the captivating northern lights, is perfect for a female fish whose purple hues shimmer and change like the celestial phenomenon. It’s a name that speaks of beauty and mystique.

  2. Celeste: Celeste, meaning heavenly, is ideal for a fish with a soft, ethereal purple color. It’s a name that suggests grace and a serene presence, like the tranquil expanse of the night sky.

  3. Dahlia: Named after the vibrant and diverse flower, Dahlia is perfect for a fish with a striking and vivid purple color. It’s a name that embodies elegance and a touch of the exotic.

  4. Elena: Elena, a name that’s both graceful and classic, suits a fish with a gentle and refined purple hue. It’s for the fish that adds a touch of timeless beauty to your tank.

  5. Fiona: Fiona, a name with a lovely, melodious sound, is perfect for a fish with a lively and spirited personality, mirrored in the dynamic shades of her purple scales.

  6. Giselle: Giselle, evoking images of grace and dance, is a fitting name for a fish whose movements are fluid and balletic, with a delicate purple hue enhancing her elegant performance.

  7. Helena: Helena, a name with a noble and classic feel, suits a purple fish that carries an air of sophistication and dignity, swimming through the tank with regal grace.

  8. Iris: Named after the flower and the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris is perfect for a fish with a vibrant spectrum of purple shades, symbolizing beauty and hope.

  9. Jasmine: Jasmine, a name that’s as fragrant and delicate as the flower, suits a fish with a subtle and enchanting purple hue, bringing a sense of peace and harmony to your aquarium.

  10. Kiara: Kiara, meaning light or clear, is a lovely name for a fish whose purple coloration is bright and striking, lighting up the tank with her vivid presence.

  11. Luna: Luna, meaning moon, is a mystical and enchanting name, perfect for a fish with a soft, glowing purple hue, reminiscent of the gentle luminescence of the moon.

  12. Magenta: Magenta, a name directly derived from the color spectrum, is ideal for a fish with a bold and vivid purple hue, embodying both energy and charm.

  13. Nerissa: Nerissa, meaning “from the sea,” is a beautiful name for a purple fish, evoking images of the mysterious and enchanting depths of the ocean, mirrored in her deep purple color.

  14. Ophelia: Ophelia, a name rich in literary history, suits a fish with a poetic and dreamy nature, her purple scales adding to her enigmatic and captivating aura.

  15. Persephone: Named after the Greek goddess, Persephone is a fitting name for a fish with a deep, rich purple hue, symbolizing regality and a touch of the mystical.

  16. Quintessa: Quintessa, suggesting rarity and uniqueness, is perfect for a fish with a distinctive purple coloration, standing out in your tank as a singular beauty.

  17. Rosalind: Rosalind, a name that conjures images of elegance and beauty, suits a fish with a graceful and charming purple appearance, moving through the water with gentle finesse.

  18. Seraphina: Seraphina, meaning fiery-winged, is a poetic name for a fish with a vibrant purple hue, capturing her dynamic and spirited nature, as if she’s dancing through the water.

  19. Tatiana: Tatiana, a name with royal connotations, is perfect for a purple fish with a commanding presence, her majestic color and demeanor making her the undisputed queen of the tank.

  20. Violetta: Violetta, a variation of Violet, is an ideal name for a fish with a delicate and lovely purple hue. It’s a name that’s both sweet and expressive, reflecting the gentle beauty of her coloration.

Unisex Purple Fish Names

You might also don’t know if your purple fish is male or female. In that case, here are some unisex names you could name your purple fish:

  1. Azure: Azure, reminiscent of a deep blue-purple sky, is perfect for a fish whose color blends into the beautiful shades of twilight. It’s a name that speaks of depth and serenity.

  2. Blaze: Blaze is a vibrant and energetic name, fitting for a purple fish with a fiery spirit and a dynamic presence in the tank.

  3. Cobalt: Cobalt, a name derived from a rich, deep blue color with hints of purple, suits a fish with a bold and intense purple hue, reflecting strength and depth.

  4. Dusk: Dusk is a poetic name for a fish whose purple coloration mirrors the subtle and enchanting shades seen in the sky at twilight, evoking a sense of mystery and calm.

  5. Echo: Echo, a name that suggests a lingering presence, is ideal for a purple fish whose color and character leave a lasting impression, just like an echo in a vast space.

  6. Flare: Flare is a lively and bright name, suitable for a purple fish with a vibrant and radiant color, lighting up the tank like a flare in the night sky.

  7. Glacier: Glacier, a name that conveys coolness and majesty, is fitting for a purple fish with a crisp and striking hue, reminiscent of the awe-inspiring beauty of glaciers.

  8. Halo: Halo is a celestial and gentle name, perfect for a fish with a soft, ethereal purple glow as if it’s surrounded by a halo of light.

  9. Indigo: Indigo, representing a color between blue and violet, is an ideal name for a purple fish with a deep and enigmatic hue, embodying both mystery and depth.

  10. Jade: Jade, though typically associated with green, can be a fitting name for a purple fish with a jewel-like appearance, reflecting beauty and preciousness.

  11. Kale: Kale, a name inspired by the vibrant leaves of the plant, suits a purple fish with a lively and fresh hue, adding a natural and earthy element to your tank.

  12. Lilac: Lilac, named after the delicate purple flower, is perfect for a fish with a soft and charming purple coloration, evoking a sense of gentle beauty and springtime.

  13. Marble: Marble is a sophisticated and unique name, suitable for a fish with a variegated purple pattern, reminiscent of the intricate designs found in natural marble.

  14. Nimbus: Nimbus, suggesting clouds and celestial phenomena, is a fitting name for a fish with a mystical and elusive purple hue as if it’s swimming among the clouds.

  15. Opal: Opal, a gemstone known for its iridescent colors, including purple, is perfect for a fish with a shimmering and multifaceted hue, reflecting the light in captivating ways.

  16. Pebble: Pebble is a charming and understated name, suitable for a small and delightful purple fish, bringing to mind the smooth and varied colors of pebbles in a stream.

  17. Quartz: Quartz, a mineral that can have purple hues, is an ideal name for a fish with a clear and striking purple color, symbolizing strength and endurance.

  18. Ripple: Ripple is a gentle and fluid name, fitting for a purple fish whose movements create soft ripples in the water, mirroring the soothing and rhythmic nature of water.

  19. Spectrum: Spectrum is a vibrant and inclusive name, perfect for a fish with a range of purple shades, embodying the diversity and beauty of the color spectrum.

  20. Twilight: Twilight, a name that evokes the time of day when the sky is a blend of colors, including purple, is ideal for a fish whose hue captures the magical and transient beauty of dusk.

close up picture of purple regal tang fish

Unique Purple Fish Names

To spice things up a little bit, here are some unique purple fish names that you could use:

  1. Purpurion: A unique and majestic name, Purpurion is perfect for a fish with a regal purple hue, evoking a sense of grandeur and nobility.

  2. ViolettaSwirl: ViolettaSwirl is a whimsical and enchanting name for a fish with a swirling pattern of purple, suggesting elegance and fluidity.

  3. Lavendream: Lavendream is a serene and dreamy name, ideal for a fish with a soft, lavender-like purple color, bringing a sense of calm and tranquility to your tank.

  4. Plumage: Plumage, evoking the imagery of colorful feathers, is a fitting name for a vibrant and striking purple fish, reminiscent of the beauty of a bird’s plumage.

  5. Amethysea: A blend of ‘amethyst’ and ‘sea,’ Amethysea is a mystical and captivating name, perfect for a fish with a deep, gemstone-like purple color.

  6. LilacLegend: LilacLegend is a charming and memorable name, suited for a fish with a mythical or legendary personality, and a beautiful lilac hue.

  7. GrapeGleam: GrapeGleam is a playful and bright name, ideal for a purple fish with a shiny or iridescent quality as if it’s gleaming like a grape under the sun.

  8. Vionica: Vionica is a sleek and modern name, perfect for a fish with a striking and vivid purple color, adding a touch of sophistication to your aquarium.

  9. ZaffreZest: ZaffreZest is an energetic and lively name, fitting for a purple fish with a zesty and spirited personality, with zaffre referring to a deep blue-purple color.

  10. OrchidOcean: OrchidOcean is a poetic and fluid name, suitable for a fish with a gentle and flowing purple color, like an orchid floating in a vast ocean.

  11. Mauvellous: A playful take on ‘marvelous,’ Mauvellous is a wonderful name for a fish with an extraordinary and stunning mauve shade.

  12. Purplique: Purplique, a unique and stylish name, is perfect for a fish with an artistic and distinctive purple color, as if it’s a one-of-a-kind creation.

  13. LavenderLuxe: LavenderLuxe is a luxurious and elegant name, suited for a fish with a rich and lavish lavender hue, adding a touch of opulence to your tank.

  14. VioletVerve: VioletVerve is a vibrant and lively name, ideal for a purple fish with a vivacious and energetic nature as if it’s full of verve.

  15. PrunePlunge: PrunePlunge, a playful and quirky name, fits a purple fish with a daring and adventurous spirit, diving into life like a plunge into the water.

  16. IrisIllusion: IrisIllusion is a magical and mystical name, suitable for a purple fish with a mesmerizing and illusive quality, like the multifaceted iris flower.

  17. PlumParade: PlumParade is a festive and lively name, perfect for a purple fish that loves to show off and parade around the tank, like a plum in a parade.

  18. LilacLagoon: LilacLagoon is a serene and peaceful name, fitting for a purple fish with a calm and gentle demeanor, swimming gracefully like a lilac in a tranquil lagoon.

  19. AmethystAura: AmethystAura is a mystical and spiritual name, ideal for a purple fish with a profound and enigmatic presence as if it’s surrounded by an amethyst-colored aura.

  20. VioletVoyager: VioletVoyager is an adventurous and exploratory name, suited for a purple fish with a curious and wandering spirit, exploring the tank like a voyager.

Funny Purple Fish Names

Moving on, funny names are one of the most popular options when naming a fish. Here are some of the funny and slightly cheezy options I came up with:

  1. PurpleNurple: A playful twist on the word “purple,” PurpleNurple is perfect for a fish with a vibrant purple hue, adding a humorous and light-hearted touch.

  2. Grapezilla: For the fish that’s not just purple but also has a ‘larger than life’ personality, Grapezilla is a funny and fitting name, combining the color with a playful reference to the famous monster.

  3. Lavendaredevil: Lavendaredevil is a whimsical name, ideal for a mischievous purple fish that has a knack for stirring up trouble in the most charming way.

  4. PlumDumpling: Cute and a little quirky, PlumDumpling is a sweet name for a round, plump purple fish, evoking images of a delicious, colorful treat.

  5. VioLent: A pun on ‘violent,’ VioLent is a humorous name for a feisty purple fish, perfect for one with a bold personality that belies its small size.

  6. Purpsicle: Combining ‘purple’ and ‘popsicle,’ Purpsicle is a fun and catchy name for a fish with a cool, refreshing purple color, reminiscent of a summery treat.

  7. Lil’ Grape: For a small fish with a big personality, Lil’ Grape is a playful and endearing name, reflecting its cute size and purple color.

  8. Eggplant Emperor: A humorous name for a regal purple fish, Eggplant Emperor combines the color with a vegetable twist, perfect for a fish that rules the tank with a funny flair.

  9. BerryBoop: Inspired by the classic character Betty Boop, BerryBoop is a charming and funny name for a vibrant purple fish, adding a touch of nostalgia and whimsy.

  10. Sir Lav-a-lot: A pun on ‘love a lot,’ Sir Lav-a-lot is a delightful name for a fish that seems to adore swimming around its purple kingdom, full of joy and energy.

  11. Fizzberry: Fizzberry is a lively and amusing name, ideal for a purple fish that’s always bubbling with activity, like a fizzy berry soda.

  12. Plumkin: A blend of ‘plum’ and ‘pumpkin,’ Plumkin is a sweet and funny name for a purple fish, especially if it’s a little on the round side, like a plump pumpkin.

  13. Violet Vandal: For a purple fish with a penchant for playful mischief, Violet Vandal is a humorous and fitting name, combining color with a hint of naughtiness.

  14. Giggly Grape: Giggly Grape is a delightful name for a purple fish that brings joy and laughter to your tank, as if it’s always in a good mood, ready to giggle.

  15. Purplesaurus Rex: A funny and imaginative name, Purplesaurus Rex is perfect for a purple fish with a big personality, reminiscent of a tiny, aquatic dinosaur.

  16. Lavender Loony: Lavender Loony is a whimsical and lighthearted name for a purple fish that’s a bit quirky or eccentric, always keeping things interesting in the tank.

  17. Mauve Maverick: For a purple fish that likes to do things its own way, Mauve Maverick is a funny and appropriate name, combining color with a sense of independence.

  18. Wisteria Wiz: Wisteria Wiz is a playful name for a smart and cunning purple fish, with a nod to the beautiful wisteria flower’s purple color.

  19. PeriWinkle-Tonk: A humorous twist on ‘periwinkle,’ PeriWinkle-Tonk is a quirky and fun name for a fish, perfect for one with a whimsical and playful nature.

  20. Violet Villain: For a purple fish with a cheeky and mischievous side, Violet Villain is an amusing and apt name, hinting at a playful ‘bad guy’ persona.

Cute Purple Fish Names

Cute names are also popular when choosing a name for a fish. Here are some interesting cute purple fish names:

  1. Purplesnuggle: A delightful and endearing name, Purplesnuggle is perfect for a purple fish that’s as cuddly and lovable as a plush toy.

  2. Lavie (short for Lavender): Lavie is a sweet and affectionate name, ideal for a purple fish with a gentle and soothing color, like a sprig of lavender.

  3. Plumkin Pie: For a fish as sweet and adorable as a homemade pie, Plumkin Pie is a charming and heartwarming name, perfect for a cute, plump purple fish.

  4. Lilac Wiggles: Lilac Wiggles is a playful and whimsical name, suitable for a lively purple fish that loves to dance and wiggle around the tank.

  5. Violetpuff: Violetpuff is a soft and fluffy name, great for a fish with a round and puffy appearance, reminiscent of a little violet cloud.

  6. Berry Bubbles: Berry Bubbles is a bubbly and vivacious name, fitting for a purple fish that brings joy and lightness to your tank, like bubbles floating in the air.

  7. Grape Jiggles: Grape Jiggles is a funny and cute name, perfect for a wiggly and energetic purple fish, always on the move like a jiggling grape.

  8. Amethyst Angel: Amethyst Angel is a divine and sweet name, suitable for a purple fish with a graceful and serene demeanor, like an angel gliding through the water.

  9. Lulu Lavender: Lulu Lavender is a lovable and catchy name, ideal for a fish with a charming and playful personality, with a hint of lavender charm.

  10. Plum Pudding: Plum Pudding is a delightful and endearing name, perfect for a round and cuddly purple fish, as comforting and sweet as the dessert.

  11. Violet Twinkle: Violet Twinkle is a magical and sparkling name, fitting for a purple fish with a shimmering and enchanting presence, like a twinkling violet star.

  12. Lavender Love: Lavender Love is a warm and affectionate name, suitable for a purple fish that’s easy to adore, bringing a sense of love and calm to your tank.

  13. Mauve Munchkin: Mauve Munchkin is a cute and whimsical name, perfect for a small and charming purple fish, full of playful energy.

  14. Purplette: Purplette is a dainty and sweet name, ideal for a tiny and delicate purple fish, like a petite violet flower.

  15. Lilac Lullaby: Lilac Lullaby is a soothing and gentle name, suitable for a fish whose graceful movements are calming and lullaby-like.

  16. Butterfly Pea: Butterfly Pea is a unique and playful name, great for a purple fish with a light and fluttery demeanor, like the delicate butterfly pea flower.

  17. Plummy Bear: Plummy Bear is a cuddly and affectionate name, fitting for a purple fish that’s as huggable and soft as a teddy bear.

  18. Wisteria Whirl: Wisteria Whirl is a whimsical and fun name, perfect for a purple fish that loves to swirl and twirl in the water, like wisteria vines in the wind.

  19. Violet Velvet: Violet Velvet is a smooth and charming name, suitable for a purple fish with a sleek and elegant appearance, like plush velvet fabric.

  20. Giggly Grape: Giggly Grape is a joyful and playful name, great for a purple fish that’s always cheerful and full of laughter, like a giggling grape.

close up image of purple dottyback fish in aquarium

Clever Purple Fish Names

If your purple fish seems to be more clever than it should be, maybe you would want to name it something smart. Here are some cheesy clever name options:

  1. Purplicious: A fun and catchy name, Purplicious is perfect for a purple fish with a particularly vibrant and delicious hue, as if it’s the epitome of all things purple.

  2. LavenderWit: LavenderWit is a smart and savvy name, suitable for a purple fish that seems to have a cunning and intelligent personality, with a hint of lavender charm.

  3. GrapeThinker: GrapeThinker is an amusing and thoughtful name, fitting for a purple fish that appears contemplative or strategic, as if it’s always pondering the next big move.

  4. VioletVault: VioletVault is a mysterious and intriguing name, ideal for a purple fish with a deep and enigmatic color, as if it’s guarding hidden secrets.

  5. PlumSage: PlumSage is a wise and dignified name, perfect for a purple fish that exudes wisdom and serenity, reminiscent of a sage in a plum-colored robe.

  6. MauveMind: MauveMind is a clever and reflective name, suitable for a purple fish with an insightful and perceptive demeanor, as if it’s always deep in thought.

  7. IndigoIntellect: IndigoIntellect is a profound and intelligent name, fitting for a purple fish with a deep indigo hue and a brainy, astute presence.

  8. BerryBrainy: BerryBrainy is a playful and bright name, perfect for a purple fish with a quick and alert nature, as if it’s the brainiac of the tank.

  9. LilacLogic: LilacLogic is a rational and smart name, suitable for a purple fish that seems to approach life in the tank with a methodical and logical mindset.

  10. AmethystAcumen: AmethystAcumen is a sharp and insightful name, ideal for a purple fish with a clear, jewel-like color and a keen, discerning personality.

  11. PeriWit (short for Periwinkle): PeriWit is a clever and charming name, perfect for a fish with a light purple hue and a witty, amusing character.

  12. PlumPundit: PlumPundit is a knowledgeable and astute name, fitting for a purple fish that seems to have an opinion on everything happening in the tank.

  13. VioletVirtuoso: VioletVirtuoso is a talented and skilled name, suitable for a purple fish that excels in navigating the tank, like a true virtuoso.

  14. OrchidOracle: OrchidOracle is a mystical and insightful name, ideal for a purple fish that seems to have an understanding beyond its aquatic world, like an oracle.

  15. LavenderLore: LavenderLore is a wise and storied name, perfect for a purple fish with an ancient and knowing look, as if it’s full of old tales and wisdom.

  16. MauveMentor: MauveMentor is a guiding and experienced name, fitting for a purple fish that takes a leadership role in the tank, like a mentor to the others.

  17. SageShade: SageShade is a thoughtful and profound name, suitable for a purple fish that seems to have depth and understanding, like a sage in the shadows.

  18. GrapeGenius: GrapeGenius is a fun and intelligent name, perfect for a purple fish with a quick and clever demeanor, always figuring things out in a flash.

  19. VioletVanguard: VioletVanguard is a pioneering and innovative name, suitable for a purple fish that’s always leading the way, exploring new areas of the tank.

  20. LilacLearner: LilacLearner is an inquisitive and studious name, ideal for a purple fish that seems to be constantly learning and discovering new things about its environment.

Memorable Purple Fish Names

All names, including the ones you give to your fish, can sometimes be forgettable. Because of that, I tried coming up with some memorable purple fish names:

  1. Purple Reign: A play on words, Purple Reign is a majestic and memorable name, perfect for a purple fish that dominates the tank with its royal presence.

  2. Lavender Lorelei: Lavender Lorelei is a lyrical and enchanting name, ideal for a purple fish with a captivating and alluring aura, as mesmerizing as a siren’s song.

  3. Grape Gatsby: Grape Gatsby is a whimsical and grandiose name, fitting for a purple fish with a larger-than-life personality, reminiscent of the lavishness and charm of the famous literary character.

  4. Violetta Vision: Violetta Vision is a striking and vivid name, suitable for a purple fish that stands out in your tank, captivating everyone with its stunning appearance.

  5. Plum Prometheus: Plum Prometheus is a powerful and profound name, perfect for a purple fish that seems to bring light and life to your aquarium, like the mythological figure who brought fire to humanity.

  6. Mauve Muse: Mauve Muse is an inspirational and artistic name, ideal for a purple fish that seems to inspire creativity and beauty, swimming gracefully like a muse.

  7. Indigo Insight: Indigo Insight is a deep and thoughtful name, fitting for a purple fish that appears wise beyond its years, offering a glimpse into the mysterious depths of the underwater world.

  8. Berry Bard: Berry Bard is a poetic and melodious name, perfect for a purple fish with a flair for the dramatic, enchanting all who observe it like a skilled storyteller.

  9. Lilac Luminary: Lilac Luminary is a bright and influential name, suitable for a purple fish that shines as a beacon in your tank, leading the way with its radiant color.

  10. Amethyst Alchemy: Amethyst Alchemy is a magical and transformative name, ideal for a purple fish that seems to change and enchant its surroundings, like an alchemist turning base metals into gold.

  11. Violet Vanguard: Violet Vanguard is a pioneering and innovative name, perfect for a purple fish that’s always exploring new territories and leading the way in your aquarium.

  12. Plum Paragon: Plum Paragon is an exemplary and distinguished name, suitable for a purple fish that stands out as a model of perfection and excellence in your tank.

  13. Lavender Legend: Lavender Legend is an epic and storied name, fitting for a purple fish with a mysterious and legendary aura as if it’s the main character in an underwater saga.

  14. Grape Gallant: Grape Gallant is a brave and noble name, ideal for a purple fish with a courageous and chivalrous demeanor, always ready to embark on aquatic adventures.

  15. Iris Illustrious: Iris Illustrious is a renowned and impressive name, perfect for a purple fish that commands attention and admiration, like a celebrated figure.

  16. Mauve Monarch: Mauve Monarch is a regal and commanding name, suitable for a purple fish that rules the tank with grace and authority, like a sovereign monarch.

  17. Periwinkle Pioneer: Periwinkle Pioneer is an adventurous and trailblazing name, fitting for a purple fish that’s always discovering new nooks and crannies in the aquarium.

  18. Lilac Lumiere: Lilac Lumiere is a radiant and glowing name, ideal for a purple fish that lights up your tank with its beauty and charm, like a shining light.

  19. Violet Virtuoso: Violet Virtuoso is a masterful and skilled name, perfect for a purple fish that’s adept and graceful in every swim, like a true virtuoso.

  20. Plum Phoenix: Plum Phoenix is a mythical and reborn name, suitable for a purple fish that has overcome challenges, emerging more vibrant and lively, like the legendary phoenix.

Goofy Purple Fish Names

Last but not least, here are some interesting goofy names for your purple fish:

  1. Twilight Tango: A playful and rhythmic name, perfect for a purple fish that moves with a dance-like grace, reminiscent of the beautiful shades seen at twilight.

  2. Mystic Mauve: Mystic Mauve is a name that combines the mystery and allure of deep purple hues with a touch of mystical charm, ideal for an enigmatic and captivating fish.

  3. Aubergine Adventurer: This name is perfect for a bold and exploratory fish, with ‘Aubergine’ reflecting a deep purple shade and ‘Adventurer’ highlighting its daring nature.

  4. Purple Prodigy: Purple Prodigy is a name that suggests exceptional talent and uniqueness, fitting for a fish that stands out in the tank with its brilliant purple color.

  5. Magenta Muse: Magenta Muse is a vivid and inspiring name, suitable for a fish that seems to bring creative energy and bright ideas to your aquarium environment.

  6. Royal Ripple: Royal Ripple combines the noble connotations of purple with the gentle, calming effect of water ripples, ideal for a dignified and serene fish.

  7. Velvet Voyager: Velvet Voyager is a luxurious and adventurous name, perfect for a fish with a smooth, velvety purple appearance that loves to explore its surroundings.

  8. Wisteria Wanderer: This name is inspired by the wisteria flower, suitable for a fish that gracefully moves around the tank, much like the flowing vines of wisteria.

  9. Orchid Odyssey: Orchid Odyssey is a poetic and epic name, fitting for a purple fish that embarks on daily adventures in the aquarium, reminiscent of the exotic beauty of orchids.

  10. Lavish Lilac: Lavish Lilac is a name that implies extravagance and beauty, perfect for a fish with a striking and luxurious lilac shade.

  11. Pansy Prancer: This name is both playful and elegant, suitable for a purple fish that moves with a lively and joyous energy, akin to the cheerful pansy flower.

  12. Sapphire Serenade: Sapphire Serenade is an enchanting name, ideal for a fish whose purple hue is as deep and captivating as a sapphire, moving through the water like a melodious song.

  13. Fuchsia Fantasy: Fuchsia Fantasy is a dreamy and vibrant name, perfect for a fish with a bright and imaginative purple shade, evoking a sense of wonder and fascination.

  14. Zinna Zest: This name combines the lively spirit of the fish with the vibrant color of zinnia flowers, suitable for an energetic and colorful purple fish.

  15. Burgundy Bliss: Burgundy Bliss is a rich and contented name, fitting for a fish with a deep wine-like purple color, exuding a sense of satisfaction and joy.

  16. Heather Harmony: Heather Harmony is a peaceful and balanced name, ideal for a purple fish that brings a sense of calm and cohesion to your aquarium, like the soothing heather plant.

  17. Violet Verve: Violet Verve is a name that suggests vitality and enthusiasm, perfect for a lively purple fish that adds a burst of energy to your tank.

  18. Fig Frolic: Fig Frolic is a playful and joyful name, fitting for a purple fish that loves to play and have fun, reminiscent of the color of ripe figs.

  19. Clematis Capers: This name is whimsical and adventurous, suitable for a fish that enjoys exploring and getting into amusing situations, inspired by the climbing clematis vine.

  20. Plum Parfait: Plum Parfait is a sweet and layered name, perfect for a fish with a complex personality and a rich purple hue, like a delicious layered dessert.

Writer's Thoughts

I like naming my fish since it makes me more attached to them. Giving a name to a pet fish simply makes it more feel like a pet. I hope the big list of purple fish names will help you in finding the best name for your pet.

Jaime Douglas
Jaime Douglas

Thank you for reading my blog post. This website was created with the sole intention of providing quality information regarding fishkeeping. I have been in the fishkeeping hobby for 8 years, and through many trials and errors as well as online research I gathered a lot of information, which I want to give back to the community.